August 16, 2024

How To Level Up Your Operations To Grow Your Business With A Team

By Veronica Jeans Shopify Queen & Bestselling Author
How To Increase Your Team To Scale Your Business | Veronica Jeans

I was having an interesting conversation with one of my Million Dollar Club clients, about what the next steps are to get more traffic to her Shopify store. And one of her comments I found very true. She said, "I would not be successful if I did not have a team behind me."

I had the same experience with my recruiting company that I had built to just about $4 million in 2008. I could not have done that without my team.

Starting out can be tough, whether you've got a small budget or some capital to work with. We all begin with an idea and a passion, and that's where the journey begins. But even if you do have some funds to get started, the pressure to succeed quickly and show a return on investment can add an extra layer of stress. Trust me, I've been there too!

One key factor is to build the right team. It takes time to find the right people who share your vision and can help bring it to life. But when you do find that perfect fit, it can make all the difference. 

With a strong team by your side, you can tackle challenges together and take your business to new heights.

12 Steps to Grow Your Team for Business Success:

1. Set out the processes

As a business owner, creating a team to support your business can be a daunting task.

One of the first steps in building a successful team is to set out your business processes. This involves writing down your daily and monthly tasks, as well as your marketing tasks. This can give you a clear overview of what you do every day, and help you identify areas where you may need additional support.

Writing down the processes for each task can also make the onboarding process for new team members much easier. This includes independent contractors, who will need to know your processes in order to work effectively with your business.

By clearly outlining each task and the steps involved, you can ensure that your team members have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

When setting out your processes, be sure to include details such as the tools and software you use, the timelines for each task, and any relevant information or resources.

This can help your team members work more efficiently and effectively, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Create a list 

To start the process of building a team, it's important to create a list of future projects and expansions for your business. This can include new product launches, service expansions, or plans for scaling your business.

Once you have a list of potential projects, identify what needs to be done in order to make these projects a reality. This may involve conducting research, developing marketing plans, or creating new systems and processes.

Once you have identified the necessary steps, prioritize them based on your preferences and the needs of your business. Determine which projects are most important and which can wait, and create a timeline for each project.

Finally, determine which projects take up most of your time and energy. By identifying these projects, you can delegate tasks to your team members and focus on the areas where you can add the most value to your business.

3. Get a clear picture

It's important to get a clear picture of your budget and staffing needs before starting the process of creating a team.

If you're on a limited budget, it may be challenging to hire full-time employees or contractors with extensive experience.

In this case, it may be helpful to consider finding someone who needs a few extra hours to supplement their income. This could include students, freelancers, or stay-at-home parents who are looking for part-time work.

You may be able to find someone with relevant experience who is willing to work for a lower rate in exchange for a flexible schedule or other perks.

On the other hand, if you have a larger budget, it may be easier to employ or contract an expert with the skillset you need. This could include experienced professionals who can bring valuable experience and knowledge to your team, and who may be able to take on more complex or specialized projects.

When determining your staffing needs, it's important to consider factors such as the size of your business, the nature of your work, and your long-term goals. By getting a clear picture of your budget and staffing needs, you can create a plan for building a team that supports the growth and success of your business.

4. Define the roles 

Once you have identified the tasks that need to be completed and the projects that need to be undertaken, it's important to allocate a skill set to each project and create job descriptions for each role.

To start, consider the tasks that need to be completed for each project, and the skills that are required to complete those tasks. This can include technical skills, such as coding or graphic design, as well as soft skills such as communication and project management.

Once you have identified the skills required for each project, create job descriptions for each role. Be sure to include details such as the key responsibilities of the role, the skills and experience required, and any unique requirements or qualifications.

By defining the roles of your team members, you can ensure that everyone knows what their responsibilities are and what is expected of them.

This can help prevent confusion and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Additionally, creating clear roles for each team member can help attract the right candidates for each position, and ensure that your team is staffed with individuals who have the necessary skills and experience.

5. Create a job description

Creating a good job description is an important step in the hiring process. It can help you determine the kind of person you need for the role, and attract the right person to apply.

A good job description doesn't need to be overly detailed, but it should provide a clear outline of the skills and experience required for the position.

When creating a job description, consider the following ideas:

1. Key responsibilities of the role

2. The required skills and qualifications

3. Any desired experience. 

4. Include information about the company culture

5. Unique benefits or perks of the position.

A well-written job description can help you attract a diverse pool of candidates who are a good fit for your business.

If you're not sure where to start, there are many resources available online to help you create a job description. You can also consider seeking inspiration from similar job postings or from other businesses in your industry. As an experienced business owner, I have a list of different positions and skill sets that you might find helpful for your business. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for advice or support from other business owners or industry experts.

6. Determine which type of hire 

Determining the type of hire you need for a particular position or job is an important step in the hiring process. Depending on the role, you may need to consider hiring either a contractor or a direct hire.

Here are some ideas:

1. Hiring a contractor on a trial basis can be a good option to assess if they're a good fit for your business before making a long-term commitment.

2. Another option to consider is hiring virtual assistants or business associates for your projects. This can provide flexibility in terms of location and work hours, and can be a cost-effective solution for certain roles. 

3. It's also important to consider the choices around you. There may be talented individuals in your community who are looking for work, such as stay-at-home parents who are returning to the workforce. These individuals may have valuable skills and experience that can be a good fit for your business.

When hiring, it's important to understand the different classifications of employees, such as contractors versus direct hires. The IRS provides guidelines on these classifications, and consulting with a tax advisor can also be helpful. 

7. Ask for resumes

As a business owner, you want to make sure you're hiring the right people for your team. One way to do this is to ask for resumes from all candidates. It may seem like a small step, but it can provide a wealth of information about a person's job history, education, and capabilities.

Don't be afraid to review resumes from people who have primarily worked in volunteer positions.

While they may not have the same level of experience as someone who has worked in paid positions, their volunteer work can provide valuable skills and experience.

It can also demonstrate their commitment to their community and their willingness to learn and take on new challenges.

Additionally, someone who has worked in volunteer positions may have developed a strong work ethic and dedication to their cause, which can translate well to a paid role.

8. Contact and interview

Connect to the potential team member, followed by a phone or Zoom interview to see if they are a good fit for the position and are available. Finding out whether they will fit into your vision of your business culture is the first step.

When you post it on a job board, you might get a lot of resumes, which you will have to go through to determine who is a good fit.

There isn't everyone who is ready to begin a new job or who will be suitable for the position you envision. 

9. Don't make any promises  

When it comes to hiring, it's important to be mindful of the promises you make to candidates. While it can be tempting to get swept up in the excitement of finding a potential hire who you really like, it's crucial to take a step back and evaluate the situation objectively.

Take a step back and reevaluate the skillset and make an objective decisions about the person's fit for the role.

Making promises too early can limit your flexibility to adjust the role or team as the business evolves. And promising something you might not be able to deliver, can have legal issues down the road.

10. Don't rush the hiring process

Take your time assessing everyone you wish to hire. 

Hiring the right team is crucial for any business's success, but it's not always easy to find the right fit. Rushing the hiring process can lead to costly mistakes and hurt your business's growth.

Here's why being thorough in the hiring process is important:

  1. Avoid costly mistakes: Making a hasty hiring decision can lead to costly mistakes, such as hiring someone who is not a good fit for the job or the company culture. These mistakes can hurt your business's bottom line and waste valuable time and resources.

  2. Ensure job fit: Hiring the right person for the job is crucial to the success of your business. Take the time to assess each candidate's skills, experience, and personality to ensure they are a good fit for the role and your business.

  3. Build a strong team: Your team is the backbone of your business. Taking the time to hire the right people can help you build a strong team that works well together and is committed to the company's goals.

  4. Avoid personal bias: It's important to avoid personal bias when hiring. While it may be tempting to hire a friend or family member, it's crucial to ensure they are the right fit for the job and the company culture. Be objective in your hiring decisions to avoid any personal bias.

11. Pay a fair wage

Outsourcing has become an essential part of many businesses' operations. By hiring experts in various fields, businesses can save time and money and focus on their core competencies.

However, it's crucial to pay a fair wage for the expertise you require. Here's why:

  1. Time is money: Outsourcing tedious tasks can save you a significant amount of time that you can spend on activities that generate revenue. It's important to consider the value of your time and the opportunity cost of not outsourcing.

  2. Expertise saves money: When you hire an expert, you're paying for their knowledge and experience. They can complete tasks faster and more efficiently than you could on your own, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

  3. Quality work comes at a cost: If you want high-quality work, you need to pay for it. Cutting corners and underpaying for outsourced work can lead to poor results, ultimately costing you more money and time in the long run.

  4. Fair wages promote loyalty: By paying a fair wage, you're showing your outsourced team that you value their work and expertise. This promotes loyalty and can lead to long-term partnerships that benefit both parties.

12. Remember: your team will leave

How to Handle Team Members Leaving

Team turnover is a common challenge faced by businesses of all sizes, whether it is an employee or a vendor. While it can be disappointing to see team members leave, it's important to handle the situation in a way that's professional and constructive. Here are some tips for navigating employee turnover:

  1. Even if you're disappointed to see a team member go, it's important to stay positive and wish them well. They may be a valuable resource in the future, and burning bridges will only harm your business in the long run.
  2. Understanding why a team member is leaving can help you make changes to prevent future turnover. Common reasons for leaving include better job opportunities, a desire for higher pay, and a need for a more flexible schedule. By understanding these reasons, you can work to improve your business practices and retain valuable employees.
  3. Losing a team member can be stressful, but it's important to plan for the future. Start thinking about who will take over their responsibilities, and begin the process of training a replacement. By being proactive, you can ensure a smooth transition and minimize any disruptions to your business.
  4. Finally, offer support to the departing employee. This can include providing a reference, offering to stay in touch, or even providing a farewell gift. By showing that you care, you can leave a positive impression and potentially even retain a relationship with the employee.

Employee turnover is a fact of life for businesses. By handling it professionally and constructively, you can minimize its impact and even turn it into an opportunity for growth.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the importance of digital marketing for businesses?

Digital marketing is crucial for businesses today because it helps them reach and engage with their target audience online. Email marketing, SEO, and social media are key components that can make a business more visible and attract customers.

How can I disconnect from my devices during a work week?

Disconnecting from devices during a work week can be challenging, especially if your job requires constant online presence. Try setting specific times for checking emails and social media, and take short breaks to unplug and focus on offline activities.

Why is building a strong team essential for business success?

A strong team is essential because it provides support, shares the workload, and brings diverse skills and perspectives to the business. This collective effort can lead to greater innovation, efficiency, and overall success.

What are the first steps in building a successful team?

The first steps include setting out your business processes, creating a list of future projects, getting a clear picture of your budget and staffing needs, and defining roles and job descriptions for each team member.

How can I find the right people to join my team?

Start by creating detailed job descriptions, determining the type of hire you need (contractor or direct hire), and asking for resumes from candidates. Conduct thorough interviews to assess their fit for your business culture and needs.

What should I consider when creating a job description?

Include key responsibilities, required skills and qualifications, desired experience, information about company culture, and any unique benefits or perks of the position.

How do I determine the type of hire I need?

Consider hiring contractors on a trial basis, virtual assistants, or local talent. Assess your budget, the nature of the work, and long-term goals to decide between contractors and direct hires.

What should I keep in mind during the hiring process?

Don't rush the process, avoid making early promises, and take your time to thoroughly assess each candidate's fit for the role and your business.

Why is it important to pay a fair wage for outsourced work?

Paying a fair wage ensures high-quality work, promotes loyalty, and saves time and money in the long run. Fair compensation reflects the value of the expertise and helps build long-term partnerships.

How should I handle team members leaving the business?

Stay positive, understand their reasons for leaving, plan for their replacement, and offer support. Maintaining good relationships with departing team members can benefit your business in the future.

How can I access more resources and articles on building a successful business?

You can find more articles and resources on the top-rated {E-commerce Success} blog and check out the Shopify and E-commerce series of books available on Amazon.


Taking the time to relax and brainstorm solutions for your problems is an important step in the process of building a successful business. 

I appreciate you and the time you took out of your day to read this! You can find more articles like this from me on the top-rated {E-commerce Success} blog and while you’re there, take a look at my Shopify and E-commerce series of books on Amazon.