4 Health Tips to Run your Business Better
It takes a lot of energy to run a business. A small business is even more hectic because you are IT! You do everything from marketing, ideas, accounting, products, shipping and all the other hats. There definitely are not enough hours in a day!
1. Exercising your Body
We think we do not have the time to exercise because there is so much to do and so little time. It is amazing if you take half an hour and go for a quick walk in the fresh air, how your brain refreshes as well. Now you are thinking more clearly. Problems don't seem so bad after all. And while you are walking, it is a relaxing, meditative state as well. I get my best ideas wandering around.
2. Eating
The bad news is, eating all those carbs slows our metabolism down and we slow down. You will feel tired and sluggish after eating a lot of high carb food. So now you gain weight AND you are tired. Bummer! Your energy comes from food (and drink) but be careful what you are eating. Be conscious what you are eating and make better choices. All I can see here is a win-win. Lots of energy and you might lose some weight.
3. Resting your Brain
We need to rest our brain. If you are an entrepreneur, your brain is working overtime. It seems you are even thinking while you are sleeping. So we need a rest and one way to achieve it is to journal every day. We get all our bits and pieces on paper (or computer, although I think writing is very therapeutic), and we seem to make space tin your brain before we start on the thinking path again. It is a great way to think of new ideas and keep a log on our present actions. Looking back in your journal, you will be surprised at the good ideas and sometimes great ones.
4. Sleeping
It seems we don't ever get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation slows down your brain and energy. The experts seem to indicate 8 hours of sleep, but I will be lucky to ever achieve that in my lifetime. Everybody has a routine of sleep when you feel rested and had enough. My brain wakes me up after 6 hours, and if I feel refreshed it is a bonus. It is a constant battle to get enough sleep but actually going to bed and resting helps.
Very good tips all of them, it is so good to go for a walk and just think through stuff while you walk, and also to drink a lot.
February 08, 2016
Carol Rundle
Some great ideas here and very clever to tie health strategies into one’s overall business strategy. Kudos!
February 06, 2016
Kristen Wilson
Agree, it is SO important that we, as business owners, are healthy. Think about it, if in corp America and we are sick, we call in and either the work piles up or someone else takes it… not the case as a biz owner.. it all rides on us, so we need to be healthy. I start my day with a workout!
February 05, 2016
True… great ideas seem to pop into my head when I’m walking too. Thanks for sharing your tips.
February 04, 2016
Veronica Jeans
Thanks everybody for the great comments….I really appreaciate it.
February 04, 2016
Roy Jeans
This is very good advice indeed – thanks for sharing with us.
February 04, 2016
Cheryl Gnad
I understand the need for all of this! Since 2 yrs ago when I received some brain damage from the H1N1 flu, I’ve become VERY aware of how all of this works! I do only have so much brain power to give and taking an afternoon 30 min nap has become the norm, especially like today, I have client meetings where I am mentally worn out! That nap gets me back on my feet! I time it and I can now FEEL renewed! Also, getting GOOD sleep at 6 or 8 is a must. I found I wasn’t, with 15 interruptions an hour I didn’t get good REM sleep – now I do! I got help for that. I can feel a major difference at what sleep deprivation feels like and when I am good! Take heed of this suggestions – they are for REAL – good!
February 04, 2016
Jackie Harder
Eight hours of sleep? What’s that? ;-) I’m thrilled if I get 7, but 6 is more the norm. I’m generally at my computer by 6 a.m. I get really great ideas when I step away, too. It makes sense to just get some distance.
February 04, 2016
Roslyn Tanner Evans
Glad you said your body awakens after just 6 hours sleep. Mine does too & I feel refreshed. I often take a midday break that can turn into a 10-20 min nap & I am refuelled.
February 04, 2016
Amanda Jeans
Testing! :)
February 04, 2016
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