I love teaching...

Lecturer at the Polish College Civitas 2021 - 2024

I love teaching international students at the college level and showing them how to start an online business and how they will succeed. The students attending the college are from all over the world - Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and Khazakstan, etc.....and Poland!

"Thank you, professor. This was the most interesting and practical lecture that I had" ~ a Student of class '24 at the Polish University Civitas

Ecommerce Success Blogs

How To Increase Your Team To Scale Your Business | Veronica Jeans

How To Level Up Your Operations To Grow Your Business With A Team

Are you building a team?

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The Ultimate Guide to Managing Sales Tax for Your Online Business

Selling products online

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Understanding-Chargebacks-A-Comprehensive-Guide | Veronica Jeans

Understanding Chargebacks: A Comprehensive Guide

Why Do Customers Initiate a Chargeback 

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