Our International Kids - Giving Back!

Educate Namibian Kids

Educate Namibian kids school buildingOpening day for school - Educate Namibian Kids

Educate Namibian Kids is a non-profit in the USA based in Houston Texas. We are dedicated to serve the kids of Namibia, in the development of educational infrastructure in the marginalized rural areas of Namibia with the support of the Dirk Mudge Trust Fund in Namibia.

Nakayale Private Academy project is part of the Dirk Mudge Trust Fund initiative. The program relies on contributions from donors for the project which includes the construction of the school and living quarters for staff and kids, school uniforms, school supplies, meals, daily living necessities.

Nakayale Private Academy is starting with 64 children and 4 teachers with a few administrative staff. The kids and staff live on the premises of the academy with the school right next door.

Due to the remoteness of the area, the project was only complete 2 years after we started. Another reason for the length of the project is the total reliance on contributions from donors. 

Namibia is not well known and with only a little bit under 2 million people, resources are really stretched for such a large country. 


For every person joining our online community, we will support one child in Namibia! 

More information here....

 Educate Namibian Kids at lunch breakEducate Namibian Kids in the sun

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