Blueprint to Launch Your Shopify Store Pay
Let’s Get Started!
The online eCommerce space is filled with guru’s promising a quick buck by showing you the latest 'make millions if you do what I show you'. They sell you a course, then disappear, expecting you to figure it out yourself.
But information is useless without implementation. That’s what inspired me to create the Blueprint To Launch Your Shopify Store. Here’s how it works…
1. The training videos are in a specific order. Please work through them in the order they come. Don’t skip any. This is a proven process that will get you where you need to be as quickly as possible. This system works. Even if you feel like a lesson isn’t right for you, I urge you to get stuck in regardless.
2. Every week, we’ll be jumping onto a LIVE group coaching call where you can ask me any questions about the lessons, Shopify, your content… ANYTHING. The purpose of these calls is to keep you accountable and to offer support as you work through the program.
Some of you may feel like the training is way over your head. If so, take your time, reach out for support, and have confidence in yourself.
Some of you may also think “I don’t have time for this…”. If that’s the case, this is the perfect program for you – because you’re time back if you follow it closely 😉
Some of you may think this is basic and you’re looking for a quick launch. That is all coming – but none of that works if you’re not doing the fundamentals, which is what we’re teaching you first. If you think you don’t need to know what we’re teaching, you probably need it the most 😉
1. Join the members-only Facebook Group and introduce yourself! This is where you can go to ask for help and support from me and the community.
2. Jump into the free Facebook group if you’re a member and brag about the fact you’ve joined!
“Just joined Veronica's Blueprint for Shopify! Super excited to get started!”
You ready to rock?
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