Lindsay Taylor - Branding & Packaging

Veronica Jeans (00:00):
Yes. Yes. Okay. So I have Lindsay Taylor with me, branding and packaging specialist expert, whatever, but yeah, be you've been in this for a long time. Right.
Lindsay Taylor (00:14):
I have 20 over 20 years. I've been a designer. Yeah.
Veronica Jeans (00:17):
So, so this is not, not website design was everybody calls me the website lady. I got, that's not what I do, but you literally do the packaging, the business cards, the packaging, literally, you know, whatever, they put this stuff in, right on the packages. So tell us more about it.
Lindsay Taylor (00:37):
Totally. Yeah. Yeah. Soup to nuts. It's all. I work with I've worked with a lot of large corporations and I also work with small businesses lately, a lot of small businesses. I find I can really be of a better, better health. I can see the return on, on what I'm doing better. So I liked those clients so much better. They're the ones that were staying up late at night saying like, you can show up, you know, the big CEO is not doing that. Right. So so anyways, I yeah, I've worked with them on logo design, creating a brand, and then how we implement that with their packaging business cards on social media, maybe with their website and understanding how important and valuable that brand is. Yeah.
Veronica Jeans (01:22):
Yes. So it was interesting when we met, you said to me you are a print designer, so what does makes that different to another designer that tell me the difference.
Lindsay Taylor (01:36):
So I, I feel strongly that there are, there are different designers and now we all have similar training. Well, maybe not all of us, but I know like my training is all in fine arts, but the way I execute the designs is specific because there's so much to it, right. From print, understanding how printers work, how what paper to choose how that's all part of the actual brand and the design versus a web designer who has to have all of that, that coding backend there's, you know, there's a lot of variables when it comes to web design. There's a lot of variables that come to print design, but to try to be the Jack of all trades with both, I think he's just doing our clients a disservice. So I work with people like yourself who do web designs to, to execute what it is. You know, I might, I might work with people as an art director, creative director to execute the brand. But that's not my forte. That's not, I, and I don't, you know, I have no business doing that. Right. I need that to the professionals,
Veronica Jeans (02:46):
But, but here's the thing, that's why we met. Right. Because, because I had to help you with your store, your online store, but you'd already done so many beautiful things with your, you're doing chocolate. Obviously you're also a designer, but you're also an online store owner and you're selling chocolates, which is amazing. Right? So your branding is on target. I mean, the packages on target, the, the, the little band around the packages you've got. And so it is all about how we present our products. So how do you start that out? What did, what did, how, why would people do something like that, but do it right. So tell us about that.
Lindsay Taylor (03:30):
So with branding, I am a huge proponent trust, I preach to my clients all the time. I'm that branding builds trust. It's so important because if people don't if, if you can't put your best foot forward, they are not going to want to buy your product, particularly from a product. So now I'm doing, obviously, like you said, I'm a product business owner, not just service. And so from that product side is you have to, now it doesn't have to be expensive. We started out with finding boxes for our chocolates that were the color of our brand, which is a teal. I found those, I got myself a Cricut machine. Okay. Like we were talking, we were talking like crafty, right. Got vinyl and had our logo you know whatever they do it, you know, with the little vinyl cut out.
Lindsay Taylor (04:22):
And I know it's a lot of hard labor. I had to go in and put that on every single one of our boxes, but it put our best foot forward, right. From the get-go don't, don't shut you, cut yourself, sell yourself too short when it comes to your brand and putting yourself out there because you can do it, but you can do it on, on a much more affordable scale as well. We recently since purchased and had our boxes made. Cause now we're at a point where we're growing and we can invest in that. But from day one, people didn't realize, I mean, we were had wholesalers calling us and whatnot that these were handmade boxes, essentially. It didn't matter because they were very professional and it, you know, our teal was everywhere. Our logo was everywhere. Your brand is going to build trust in people.
Lindsay Taylor (05:12):
We had people come to us. I remember on our first event and they said to me it was, they were coming into my home. I have a homestead license and it's where we make our chocolates. And they came in and they were shopping and they said Oh, so you're a, you're a distributor. Right. And I was like, Nope. And they're like, what do you mean? Like, you, you make these chocolates, you do everything is done right here, but that's because, you know, it's kind of like fake it till you make it right. Like put yourself, you put your best before we were making some really great product. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that. But people thought we were, this big organization is big manufacturing, but no, because we made it look like we were. And so they trusted us immediately and they wanted to purchase our product and we wanted to support us,
Veronica Jeans (05:59):
You know? Okay. So if so, talk about somebody who wants to start their business and then know they have to do package that don't have the expertise to do that. And I know, I mean, I give my, if I need branding done, I give it to people like you, or I have another friend that does, does branding as well. And before I met you, but so it was a little bit too much for him, you know? So it was like $8,000, you know? So they, a lot of times a small business owners or startups don't realize how important it is to actually get that. Right. So I, you know, right. You know, you have to invest your money in excellent photography. Right? Absolutely. And then the next thing is, is, as you said, your brand has to be on target and every way. So, so even if they're starting out, what tips would you give them to, to, I mean, you know, everybody has a budget, right. Nobody has a huge budget. So what would you, what would you tell them?
Lindsay Taylor (07:08):
Well, I think the biggest thing, and this is what, I've, how I've kind of PAC I services from a design standpoint is because exactly that I've learned so many businesses cannot afford it. And rightly so, like it is gonna be a lot of money. I mean, we're talking, I just did the packaging for this woman and it could have run her 10 to $25,000 easily. Right. If you were working with an agency or something, but the biggest key is what, what find a designer who's willing to just do your branding first and foremost. So your branding, isn't just your, your logo and your colors, but it's looking as colors, fonts, the voice, right? What kind of, we have a very playful kind of fun, witty tone to, to the way we do things photography all of that is part of your brand.
Lindsay Taylor (07:57):
So what I do with my clients is I work with them on creating a mood board. That is one place you can absolutely start first and fourth do it on Pinterest. Pinterest is an awesome tool. Back in the day when I first started this, we were doing magazine clippings, right. And create a mood board would, you can do it that way. But I love now being able to go in there and just put a bunch of stuff that speaks to you. And then from there we create a logo. We create colors, fonts, whatnot. I then give them an entire brand package that includes the mood board, which has like different ones that we've selected. Maybe, maybe copy your, your fonts or colors, all of that in one thing that you can reference that is so vital, because then you can look at it and you can say, okay, if I'm going to do packaging and I'm looking for pre, you know, boxes that are already made like we did and not having them printed, does this work, you just put it right next to your mood board.
Lindsay Taylor (08:59):
You put it right there and just feel like it's your brand that is getting straight and getting getting literally a tunnel vision on your brand is so important. And just investing in just that will help you a ton moving forward. Then you can take that, and you can bring it to somebody who does web design and say, I need you to execute a website based on this, you know? And then all say they don't have to put their own spin on it. It's right there for them. They understand, you know, a good designer will understand what that means and what value they bring to their customers, their clients.
Veronica Jeans (09:39):
I have a question for you. So, so I've had a lot of people that always say a lot of people, not a lot of people, but a few people that have, Oh, I like this font, but it doesn't translate through to the website. So do you think about that when you, when you do the design work, because you know, it can't be too, scrawly where you can't actually read it or it can't be typeset. Right. That type of thing. Right.
Lindsay Taylor (10:06):
So I have a, I have a rule of thumb and I think I learned it in, in college, probably from one of my professors and that there are five fonts that should be used for information. And you know, what fonts, you know, you could say Gil Sans, gamma, and you know, your basics, but there are basically a handful of fonts that work for information. Information is all of that stuff. Like when anything that's going to be in a paragraph, right. Or even like, you know, your price points on your website or something like that, font or image is a completely different thing, no holds bar. You can do what you want, but that would be like a headline something we can make into a graphic, but not put, I see all the time, you know, script and scrolly funds that are, that are like becoming a paragraph.
Lindsay Taylor (10:54):
You know, it can be, you can still define your brand. I always give my clients one of those more image fonts, one or two that they can use along with very basic fonts. I mean, we're talking Ariel Helvetica, something very simple that has, is a sand Serra font that it, it but there's a thin, there's a medium, a bold those are really important. Don't, don't get crazy about it. You can highlight certain information, headlines and stuff with that image fund. So yeah. Stay away from too much. You know, and then people, you know, Oh, I want to add this font in here, but it's not part of their brand.
Veronica Jeans (11:39):
Yes. And so, and everybody reads it on their phone as well. So everything goes super small. And so doing font that's too small or messing around with just the basics. It's like, you, not everybody sees it on, on, on your, on the computer. I mean, they actually see it on this more tablets or yes, exactly. So yeah, I mean, and so I have clients that are come to me I had my, my logo design now go to work. It's not gonna work. Right. Because there's just too much information. It's like, it's not simple enough.
Lindsay Taylor (12:17):
Yeah. Well, it's another thing like simple, simple, simple, simple, right. And always your logo should always work as one color first and foremost, black and white first don't start introducing color. Like, does it, you're going to be swayed. Right. If you start introducing color, you're going to be swayed into, Oh, I like that one because of this. I like these colors better. Yes. You need like your logo as black and white only. And like you said, if you've got layering of, of information on your logo, that will never translate into one color, it's just going to turn into mud. So you can, you can, you can add in the other stuff as variations of your logo, that's okay. Like not the end of the world to have a logo that might have a gradient color in it or something, but it shouldn't start that way.
Veronica Jeans (12:57):
No, no. And also, and what happens as well as they've got this? I mean, and this is the old style logo that we know is they have the school behind and the thing behind, and that's not important anymore. You can have some of that, but it shouldn't be your main design because then you have to put it on the website and it's like, well, it just takes up so much, so much real estate. Right. So, so I also want to talk about so now we've got our brand and how people don't, most people don't realize how important packaging is. And so I'm not even talking about having something on your yeah. Having something on your website that has packaging, and this has gotten a packaging actually. Okay. Here's something better. So packaging. Right. But to have something that you put your products in and to make that a customer experience. So tell us a little bit more about that.
Lindsay Taylor (13:57):
Oh my gosh. The customer experience is vital and giving them almost layers of information. Layers of that experience of the unveiling is so important. I mean, think of, think of Apple, we all love getting an Apple product, right. We're like, Oh, you know, you, they really think about it. Like it is like so important to me. I had, I just had a a customer of mine with a design and she makes a, what does she make? Like I pillows and, and comfort raps. And she was putting them in Ziploc bags with this little, like stapling, this little thing on top. And she knew she needed to do something better. And it was like, you know, it was so important to get rid of that plastic bag for one, you know, to have that, not be a cause that was, it was, was, you know, it wasn't a Ziploc bag.
Lindsay Taylor (14:49):
It was a step up from that. But, and we, so she's got, I don't remember how many, she might have say 15 products, but she has three that go to wholesale business sells in brick mortars. The rest is stuff she sells online. So what we did is that, okay, what three are really important that need to sit on that shelf and not. Cause that was the other thing is how do they stand on the shelf when they're in a back? We're not standing well, we designed three different boxes and they were using the craft paper. That was part of her, her brand. I also did her rebrand. And because she's all natural stuff. So we wanted to make sure that that was appealing and and they're beautiful, but she makes everything has a a little it has its own fabric, right?
Lindsay Taylor (15:34):
Every they're all different little people that was, they could see what the fabric is. Right. But all of the rest of the line, the other 12 pieces, we just use that same, same exact paper, same exact stop, the craft paper. And we created little tags that she wrapped between around the products that would be shipped so that they look like a family, everything, but we invested in those boxes were not very expensive. Right. So pick and choose where you're going to, you can still make things, look as a family, but you don't have to do it all at once. I mean, I don't know if that answers the question, but you know, I think that, that, that the packaging is, is, is just so important. It's going to Owen in the unveiling of information like she, so you feel a little peek. Okay.
Lindsay Taylor (16:24):
So you can see, see what they open it up. There's also an insert in there that gives a little bit more information. Like it's just this whole experience that you, that you should have. Our chocolates are, we have a little belly band on the box. They have to remove that. Once they take the top off, there's a little flavor personality card in there. It gives them more information. Then they see the chocolates. And on the bottom of our chocolates in the bottom of our boxes is a quote. So when they're done eating their chocolates, they get this nice little quote message from the you know, I'm not telling them to reorder, but it's a little hint, like you're empty reorder, but you know, just all these levels. Think about these, about how you unveil your brand in so many different ways.
Veronica Jeans (17:05):
Yeah. I mean, I I know I've worked with a lot of startups and companies not making a lot of money, but my skincare lady, she rebranded and it, you know, because her stickers didn't stick. So she had to find the label, you know, somebody could do the label where if, if, you know, if you you're always touching the bottle when your hands are wet, so that, that label doesn't come off. And then she redid all her photos, which, yeah, that's enough said, I mean, the photographer was terrible, but anyway, Oh yeah, right. You know, just do one or two, then come and show me and I'll tell you, don't do the whole thing and nugget. Oh my Lord. What did you do? And then but so she had stickers made and I said, so if you don't have a box because that's expensive, right. Because she's already got her stuff in a, in a bottle that's, you know, and, and, and the labels are very expensive. I said, if you have a sticker, then you put that sticker on outside the normal white box that she has from the, from the post office. So people can see, you know, it's from you. And so you gotta have that every way.
Lindsay Taylor (18:16):
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So we have we do primate, most of our stuff is all online orders, but for naughty good. And I sit in the same, the same other clients. I was just referring to it's creating experience when they get your product to, if they're shopping online. Oh. So important. Like we've got, everything is a complete experience and you're right. We have our, our labels on the outside of our packages and all of our boxes are white. It is expensive to have shipping boxes printed. We have, we haven't invested in that ourselves, but you can take it white box and we use the mailers so that they open up. So it's a full know, it's not, you're having to take an exact, I know I'm going to charge our gourmet chocolate. I better be delivering that from the moment they get the box in the mail to the moment they put that in their mouth. Right. Like there's a full on experience. And think about that. Don't just throw something in a box, in or in a bag and send it out and hope that it arrives. Okay. Make sure it's a full on experience. And those customers will come back to you, tenfold.
Veronica Jeans (19:26):
I mean, every time she sends me something, it's like, I'm excited about it. I take a picture of it or show everybody because I believe I'm more showing other people how to package their things properly. And that's the same thing with my, with my little puzzle lady, these two been with me forever. And she has she invested in the box in the boxes because they have to be a certain size. No, no, no. She's got the white boxes, but what she does is she actually adds the photo on top of the box. So you always know what your puzzle looks like. Right. And that's all hand done because, you know, it's, it's personalized, you know, you only, you load on one PO one, one of your photos, she makes a puzzle out of it. So but it ma you know, when I got that box, I thought it was so special. I didn't even think about it, you know?
Lindsay Taylor (20:17):
Yup. Yup. Absolutely. And that's a lot of our stuff is gifted to other people. And so there needs to be, you know, when they receive it, that they really feel, you know, personalized notes and offer that to your customers. All of that is it's just going to make that experience. I remember, so I have a a a local business who messaged, who reached out to me to create a thank you gift. I've had done this on for a number of customers, but this was we did, I think, 90 different custom boxes. So it was our chocolate, but a few other of our items as well. And they said for years, they've been doing something different. They never get a thank you nothing for the first time. They were like, we couldn't believe the overwhelming response of people that said, Oh my gosh, thank you.
Lindsay Taylor (21:06):
This was so thoughtful. It was so, and I said to him, I said, honestly, I think we could have probably put anything in that package, but because we just took the time there was a special, thank you note in there. You know, there was, there was crinkle paper and in special colored tissue papers, you know, it was just all these little details that that was an unveiling for them. And I think that's what they appreciated. And that's what made it feel personalized and special for them, even though all 90 people got the same thing, they felt like we were sending it just to them, you know, it's important.
Veronica Jeans (21:39):
Yeah. And I, you know what, I this is one of my, one of my, my mantras as well as send them a special, thank you card. You know, I don't care if you, if you have to print it every time something goes out. So I happened to do the ship shipping for a client who is stuck in Zimbabwe. And I actually literally have to pack up the sculptures, which is a big issue, but I print out a card, which is, thank you. And it's handwritten. And my post office lady does it for me. She's going to pay the flat, Oh, the ups lady ups lady. I go to the local, but so is there. And there's also a thank you for 10%. Hey, come shop with us. Right. And then is it history of the artist on the back, but a print the card out, especially just for that.
Veronica Jeans (22:27):
And that have they have like a special it's a handmade on envelope I do have natural blah, blah, blah stuff. You know, that I've used with the carton only discovered that, Oh my God, this is so awesome. So I put the card in that, but it's all, all that, those little experiences that make it so special, especially people are actually giving you money. So you got to bring them back, right. You got to try and bring them back. Although these people spending lots of money out and if they come back, but, and, and, you know, I can't do anything about the box because the box has to be super sturdy box and it's wrapped. I mean, I've got stuff inside. And as you're thinking, I thought maybe I can make it special with printed paper that wrote work. And because, because we've got it wrapped in, in really heavy black vinyl, so it doesn't break. Right. So I don't think I can make that special.
Lindsay Taylor (23:23):
Yep. But yeah, you obviously would that, you know, there's so much you can do, but but yes, there's, there's so much that we, we do our little hand you know, our, our note cards are, or the thing is too. You've got to think if you're, if your client, your customer is the person who ordered and they're sending it for us, a lot of times that another customer, that's another potential customer. And we've had so many times where it's, it's a domino and we've had this whole series of people said, I'm ordering to pay it forward because this person did it. And I want to, you know, and it's been super fun to see the recipients now coming back as customers. And then that's what you want to make sure if that business model that you have you know, is in this time of year for the holidays, we can all make all of our products as giftable because so many people are not going to be going to the store, or they're not going to be seeing people in person. So they're going to be sending something, so offer a solution, you know, if it's something they would normally purchase for themselves gift to this, you know, make it special for the recipient to receive, you know? Yeah.
Veronica Jeans (24:28):
And, and, and you know, I'm, I'm also thinking about maybe offering a gift wrapping service, you know, I mean, I would not offer that because I suck at gift wrapping up seriously, seriously bad, but I mean, that could be I would, I would want that done for me. You know, that's why when you go to the malls and they've got these gift wrapping stations, they're always busy, right. People don't like to give prep and then there's all this really, you don't have to do anything yourself. You just put it under the, under the tree. So that's another little, little service you can do during the holidays, according, you know, and make it special. Right?
Lindsay Taylor (25:08):
Yeah, absolutely. We thought about that as well. Like you know, doing wrap gift, wrapping it and telling people, having a little note saying, don't open this until, you know, the 25th or whatever. But our ours are perishable. So we want to make sure that, you know, people are eating them right away, but absolutely do that offer these things so that people, you know, it's a gift, it's truly a gift, you know, the holidays is a perfect time to do that. Yeah,
Veronica Jeans (25:32):
Exactly. Exactly. So any other, any other small tips? Okay. So we, so for instance, do we have a, an existing business and they, they definitely need to rebrand but the don't want to change over. They don't want to change too much. You can do that as well. Right. and also advise them of, okay, so I've got this business and this is my brand I, I maintain is my, my whole thing is if you rebranding nobody, you're not Coca-Cola or Nike or whatever, you know, you can rebrand the ventral member, but if you rebrand, you give you customers another experience, which is called a launch.
Lindsay Taylor (26:15):
Yeah. Right. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And plaster that everywhere when you're rebranding. Absolutely. Like you can do little bits of rebrand, but if you're going to invest in, you know, any time you might as well do it, do it. Right. You know? And absolutely like have it as it's another opportunity to reach out to your customers, touch point to say, look what we're doing. We're the same, we're new and improved here, but it's still the same or yes. Or whatever it might be, you know, we're looking to I mean, we've even done that with some of our flavors, you know, we call it, we had a mocha flavor we weren't too thrilled about. So we came up with a MOCA 2.0, you know, it's, you know, there's certainly ways that you rebrand either a product or, or your entire brand yeah. In, in announced that don't be bashful about it. Be like, yeah,
Veronica Jeans (27:05):
Yeah. You know, it's like, hello people, I'm rebranding. And then also asking your customers, because this is an opportunity, as you said, to be front in front of your customers to ask them, Hey, you know, what do you think? You know, this one or this one, you don't have to take that advice, but it gets everybody involved with people love to help. Right. You can
Lindsay Taylor (27:27):
Them, and they want to give you feedback.
Veronica Jeans (27:29):
Right. I know. Right. I think it was giving me feedback. I just say, Hey, you comment, Oh, give me help. So one of my one customer, I don't want to send out because I've got two businesses, they've got one online and one offline and they don't want to mix the two because it gets confusing. Right. Although they're in the same business, but one day our services and other one is selling industrial stuff. So I said, what you do is a, you are, you are presenting the online business as these are people we are doing business with, and we want to recommend them. Right. Because you want to use your list and then and then set, you know, all, you can also with people that you do know, if you rebrand and you say, Hey, you know, I'm rebranding, give me some comments, pop onto my website, tell me what you think, you know, and if they come on the website, boom, they get a little bit of a discount, you know? So there's always ways to, to, to get in front of your customers because I mean, it's sometimes a bit boring to always say the same thing, same thing, right?
Lindsay Taylor (28:35):
Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and it creates engagement, you know? So you want to create that engagement with this. With another customer, I did a rebrand for her. We did exactly that. We had narrowed it down to, she had already kind of picked the direction of the logo, but I always give, you know, three or four different options initially the concept. And then we kind of dig into the next, you know, the next one deeper. But she shared them with all of her customers and said, we're looking at rebranding, what are these in? So they got to see it evolve and the whole process, and they were cheering her on the whole way, you know? So that was really exciting. And I think that that's absolutely super important to have all of that engagement create. And then the other thing to consider is you know, when you're, I know we get kind of boring saying the same thing, but we also have to remember, our customers are really only seeing 25% of what we're posting.
Lindsay Taylor (29:27):
Right. So that's one thing that people get kind of, they get almost like that little seventh in an itch, right. Or stretch where they want to be able to like, change something up really quick, but you gotta remember, we see it all the time, but customers don't necessarily. So it's important to kind of keep down that road. Right. So, you know, you don't want to rebrand a year later. You want to rebrand, you know, after a bit or, you know, so it's, yeah. It's super important to a create that engagement and B don't get too tired of your own brand.
Veronica Jeans (30:01):
Yeah, exactly. I mean, and we do, you know, as, as, as entrepreneurs, I always get tired about brand. I tend to stick to the same, I'm sticking to the same colors. I'm not changing anything because it's just too much work, but you do get tired of it because you're looking at it all the time and you go, maybe I can do something more exciting or, you know, and it's like, invest your money in something that makes sense. Yes. And basically, is, is it going to actually help you get more customers? Yeah. You know, is it going to help with the ROI? And so you've got to really think about what are you going to do and where are you going to invest your money in?
Lindsay Taylor (30:41):
Yeah. I've seen a lot of people belong to some different like products, Facebook groups or whatever. And I remember this one particular person was doing a whole holiday their holiday advertising, you know, images. And they said, Oh, here, what do you guys think of these? These are great. Well, every single one of them like dif they not feel like they were coming from the same business at all. Like not even the logo placement or like the fonts that were used. Right. So that's why go consistent. Everything needs to look like it's a family. However, if you're going to take an opportunity to maybe like throw in a new color or you know, do it, don't just do it once. Like this person had done one thing on each time, do it and, and be intentional about it. So maybe you're going to the next three months, or maybe you're going to specific do it with just one specific product and just do a little bit at a time. You know, if you're looking, you're getting kind of bored of something and you want to add something, you can do it, but you want to be very intentional about it. And don't just do it once. Cause then what good is that going to do you
Veronica Jeans (31:46):
Yes. Yes, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. I had to, I did the, I did the photos, you know, the post photos and they colored, there was so much makeup on know, I don't wear makeup. There was so much makeup, nobody. So my freckles, so somebody said to me, don't put those photos up, put the ones up for you. Totally natural. You know? So you got to think about, think about what you're presenting as well. I mean, I wasn't comfortable doing them. I'm not a poser anyway, you know, this is what the, what you see is what you get. Right. yeah. I know the glamour shots. Right. And they were gorgeous, but I didn't recognize myself. My in fact, my husband said, who's this what happened to your face? But and so, so here's another thing, you know, that I think is also so important with branding is having your face in front of your audience.
Veronica Jeans (32:38):
Right. I know a lot of people don't want to do this or they don't want to be show their faces online. And, you know, I'm interviewing everybody with, for this virtual summit and it's been some, some people have been, had a really hard time coming online. Right. And sharing themselves. I think it helps by having me checked with them rather than them going on on themselves, because it's, it's intimidating, but put it on your backpack. That's part of your branding, right? Yeah. And it's part of your packaging and, and you know, maybe, you know, if you send a thank you card out, put a photo of yourself on there, you know, you got to they as, as I don't know if it'd be said this before, or right now, today here in, in, in this, in this episode is you were saying that people are, it's a, it's a trust issue. Right. And they connect also, they connect to you as the person, because they liked your face, their laugh, what you look like, and that's who they are buying from.
Lindsay Taylor (33:40):
Yeah. They laugh. They like your story. Like, we all have story, let's share it, you know, invite them in to an extent like you don't, you know, you don't need 'em to be too personal, but, you know, invite them into your world. But the fact that we talked about this before, my family is part of my business. Now they get to see glimpses of that. They get to meet, you know, my husband or the kids, or see maybe us behind the scenes doing some, all of that creates that brand. It creates we're, we're small businesses. We're not big corporations. You know that. So our brand should be an extension of us for, you know, if it's something you can't align yourself with, you won't look for very long. Right.
Veronica Jeans (34:21):
It's very, it's very, very hard to have cast. And I've had them that that had, do not want their faces or whatever, on, on this, on the store. And I go, how are you going to sell this? You know, it's like people buy from people. They don't just buy products. Right. I mean, we even know the Amazon guy and Bezos, right. So he's even in front of the camera. So, so I go, you gotta, you gotta be able to write and tell people about it. And so the one, the one client, I said, let's use your dog, you know, but she had this, she had this this app that made the doc talk. And I thought, I said, you know what, let's just use the dog as the owner, you know? And so, so the, thank you, the thank you card
Lindsay Taylor (35:12):
I had to, I had to
Veronica Jeans (35:14):
A print, you know, and it was ordered from, from Bella was a dog's name. And because it was rude, they were rude cards. So very rude caught. So she didn't want to associate them because I mean, just, you know, because the root, you know, in, in the UK, nobody would care about it, but in America. Yeah. So but yeah, so I had to, I had to come up with something, I thought, Oh my Lord, what are we going to do with this woman?
Lindsay Taylor (35:44):
Awesome. but you're right. It brings people into her world, you know, to buy from the dog or from her. Absolutely. Yeah. Super important, personalize your business. And, and I will, you know, we all have, we all can connect. That's what student X us all is our store. So yeah. Accessible.
Veronica Jeans (36:02):
Okay, brilliant. So I'm going to your information is all on the, on the, the website and we'll have it in the, in the, in the description and in the group as well. We'll have all your information. If anybody wants to get in contact with you and we will be available right after this, as soon as they're finished, we will be available for questions on questions and answers. I always think there's a wrong thing, artists and questions. And so you can ask Lindsey anything. If you have a problem, she can, she'll help you. And we will have that for about 10 minutes before we close it out. So we'll be happily answering your questions. Thank you so much. Love having you on. Thank you.
Lindsay Taylor (36:45):
Thank you. Bye bye.
Lindsay Taylor
Packaging/Branding Expert
Lindsay Taylor has been a graphic designer for over 20 years and is the owner of Taylored Image, a branding and design studio located in New England. She designs for businesses from large corporations to small start-ups, in addition to consulting with business owners looking to understand the value and effectiveness of good design and communication.
IG: @taylored.image
FB: @tayloredimagenh