Veronica Jeans, reina de Shopify

Veronica Jeans Reina de Shopify y autora de superventas
Consultora de negocios de comercio electrónico, autora de bestsellers y experta en Shopify, le apasionan los negocios de comercio electrónico y se especializa en comercio electrónico global y tendencias de ventas en línea.

Ecommerce Success Blogs

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Sales Tax for Your Online Business

Selling products online

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How To Increase Your Team To Scale Your Business | Veronica Jeans

How To Level Up Your Operations To Grow Your Business With A Team

Are you building a team?

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Understanding-Chargebacks-A-Comprehensive-Guide | Veronica Jeans

Understanding Chargebacks: A Comprehensive Guide

Why Do Customers Initiate a Chargeback 

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