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In our Group Coaching Accelerated Program, you will create your online store
and get LIVE coaching on how to market your store with individual, hands-on attention and individual help.

1-on-1 Laser Coaching & Brainstorming. Our biweekly calls are to find out what you need and how you can accomplish your goals. We will work through your goals and business strategies for the year, so you have a clear path to profits.
ONE hour LIVE in-depth, weekly interactive group training on how to create a Profitable Business Model and Strategy. You will learn how to work in your own business with LOTS of tools, templates, and step-for-step processes.
In-depth Branding & Social Plan for Pre-Launch and Launch of your store. We will analyze your business model to determine how and what we need to do to move your forward FAST.
Video Marketing Plan 2023-2024 for your business. We will work with you to elevate your organic reach in your social media networks on a budget.
Every week ONE hour Coaching Q&A sessions - One hour live coaching and Q&A - you will be able to ask questions and learn from other online business owners. No waiting but doing!
We will have an accountability system to keep you on track. Accountability helps everybody to keep track with your daily tasks and goals for the year.
Lifetime access to Private Facebook community of your peers and trainers. It is very important to be part of a group traveling the same road as you. It is an amazing encouragement and benefit to your daily hiccups in your business or in your life.
Expert advice and coaching. We bring experts on to chat with you about Facebook, SEO, branding, shipping, international business practices, taxes & sales tax, drop shipping, affiliate marketing, and so much more....
Hands-on Live Training in Social Media - Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google, LinkedIn, Blogging - how to consistently market to these medias and do it on a budget successfully.
QUICK ACTION BONUS - FREE Website Analysis, Facebook Advertising Analysis, Logo Design, 90 Days FREE Trial on Shopify (if you need it), Guide on Going Live, and much more.
LIFETIME Access to all NEW Tools and UPDATES.
BONUS - How to take Videos, Product Photos, Content Writing, Shipping Setup, Abandoned Cart Tips, Pricing Tips, Promotion Ideas, and more extra training and tips...
We are so confident that you'll love JumpStart Membership that we are willing to offer you a full "100% Money Back Guarantee." Let us know if you're not COMPLETELY SATISFIED and we'll give you a full refund.