Google Search Hacks

What are some Google search hacks?

With a little practice, you’ll be able to use Google search like a pro! Here are five Google search hacks that you can use to find the information you need more quickly and easily:

Use quotes to get an exact match: If you’re looking for a specific phrase or word, put it in quotes. For example, “how to make a cake” will only show results that contain the exact phrase “how to make a cake.”

Use the minus sign (-) to exclude results: If you don’t want to see results that contain a certain word or phrase, add a minus sign (-) in front of it. For example, “how to make a cake -chocolate” will only show results for how to make a cake that don’t contain the word “chocolate.”

Use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard: If you’re not sure how to spell something, or if you want to find results that contain a variety of different words, use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For example, “how to make * cake” will show results for how to make a cake, how to make a chocolate cake, how to make a carrot cake, and so on.

Use the date: Looking for results that were published or updated within a certain date range? For example, “date:2023 how to make a cake” will only show results for how to make a cake that were published or updated in 2023.

Use the language: Need results in a particular language? For example, “language:en how to make a cake” will only show results for how to make a cake in English.

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